The First Young Brown Dwarf in the Serpens Cloud

Monin, Jean-Louis; Caux, Emmanuel; Klotz, Alain; Lodieu, Nicolas
Bibliographical reference

Brown Dwarfs, Proceedings of IAU Symposium #211, held 20-24 May 2002 at University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. Edited by Eduardo Martín. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2003, p. 83

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We report the discovery of the first young brown dwarf in the Serpens cloud (BD-Ser 1). It is obscured by more than ten magnitudes of visual absorption as indicated by near infrared (NIR) photometric survey at the NTT and confirmed by NIR spectroscopy at the VLT. We estimate the mass of this brown dwarf to be M ˜0.05 M&sun; and its age to be ˜3.5 Myr. Available NIR indices in the literature (designed for field brown dwarfs) fail to provide its current spectral type but using a model they correctly determine its future spectral type to be T. This is the first young brown dwarf ever found deeply embedded in the Serpens star formation region