The Formation of Asymmetries in Multiple Shell Planetary Nebulae Due to Interaction with the ISM

Villaver, Eva; Manchado, A.; García-Segura, Guillermo
Bibliographical reference

Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae II: From Origins to Microstructures, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 199. Edited by J. H. Kastner, N. Soker, and S. Rappaport. ISBN: 1-58381-026-9, 2000, p. 321

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Multiple shell planetary nebulae (MSPNe) are most likely a consequence of the modulation of the mass-loss rate during the thermal pulses on the AGB. By using numerical simulations of their formation, the models' predictions and the history of the winds can be investigated. As their halos have low densities and expansion velocities, MSPNe are expected to be affected by interaction with the ISM. This would then give us evidence of the local ISM conditions. In order to study the formation of MSPNe, we have performed numerical simulations following the evolution of the stellar winds for a 1M&#x2299 star from the AGB to the post-AGB stages. Without invoking any asymmetry for the stellar wind and taking into account the effects of a moving central star, an asymmetric halo is formed as a consequence of the interaction with the ISM. We found that the asymmetries caused by the interaction take place from the beginning of the evolution and have an enormous influence on the formation of the halo.