GATOS: A fast multi-channel imager and spectrograph for the Gran Telescopio Canarias

de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Thöne, C. C.; Muñoz-Darias, T.; Labiano, A.; Gil de Paz, A.; García Vargas, M. L.; Dhillon, V.; Izzo, L.; Kann, D. A.; Pérez, A.; Piqueras López, J.; Agüí Fernández, J. F.; Alonso Herrero, A.; Barrado, D.; Blazek, M.; Casares, J.; Fernández, M.; García Rojas, J.; Gardini, A.; Garrido, R.; González Delgado, R.; Huélamo, N.; Lodieu, N.; Maldonado, M.; Ortiz, J. L.; Ramos Almeida, C.; Sánchez Blanco, E.; Simón-Díaz, Sergio; Watson, A. M.
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Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series

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GATOS (GTC Astrophysical Transient Octuple-channel imaging Spectrograph) is a multi-channel imager and spectrograph capable of simultaneously obtaining images of the same field in 8 optical and near-infrared bands or alternatively performing spectroscopy covering the range between 3500 and 23500 Angstrom in a single shot at a resolving power of R ∼ 4000. State-of-the-art detectors envisioned for this instrument will have negligible readout times and be able to perform high-time-resolution observations. An integral-field mode covering the same range simultaneously will be a crucial element of the design. In its current design, the integral-field unit covers a field of 12" × 8" with 0.6" slitlets. Finally, we aim to include a unique spectropolarimetry unit that will give GTC the first broad-band spectropolarimeter on a 10 m class telescope. The design is an evolution of the OCTOCAM concept that was selected to be built at Gemini, and is now known as SCORPIO.