GTC facility instruments: main features and readiness status

Rodriguez Espinosa, J. M.; Alvarez Martin, Pedro; García-Vargas, Maria L.
Bibliographical reference

Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy. Edited by McLean, Ian S.; Iye, Masanori. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 6269, pp. 626908 (2006).

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The Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) 10.4m telescope will be having its first light soon after this meeting. A fairly complete set of science instruments are being prepared for installation at the GTC soon after first light or a couple of year after in the case of the second generation instruments. In this talk I will describe the main features of the various instruments and discuss their completion status. In particular I will dwell on the Tuneable filters combined with a wide field and charge shuffling capabilities of OSIRIS, Elmer's outstanding throughput, and the thermal IR polarimetry and coronagraphy capabilities of CanariCam. I will also show the wide field multi-object K band spectroscopic capabilities of EMIR, the first of the second-generation instruments. Finally, I will describe CIRCE, a near IR camera being offered by the UF for GTC, and FRIDA, a near IR AO geared imager and IFU spectrograph meant to exploit the GTC AO system.