The Jodrell Bank - IAC 33 GHz Interferometer

Harrison, D. L.; Watson, R. A.; Rubiño-Martin, J. A.; Macias-Perez, J. F.; Davies, R. D.; Rebolo, R.; Gutiérrez, C. M.; Davis, R. J.
Bibliographical reference

New Cosmological Data and the Values of the Fundamental Parameters, Proceedings of IAU Symposium #201, held 7-11 August 2000 at Manchester, United Kingdom. Edited by A. Lasenby and A. Wilkinson. San Francisco, CA: Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP), 2005., p.43

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The latest results from the Jodrell Bank -- IAC two-element 33 GHz interferometer will be presented. Measurements are made of the amplitude of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) fluctuations on angular scales of 1o (l =208 ± 18) and 2o (l = 106 ± 19). The first results on a deep scan at 2o resolution showed a clear detection at all RAs with Δ T = 43+13-12μ K; the error was mainly due to sample variance. This work has been extended to 5 Declination strips thereby reducing the errors by a factor of 2-3. A deep scan at 1o resolution gives Δ T = 63+7-6μ K. The published results of high accuracy experiments (BOOMERanG, MAXIMA) for the amplitude of the peak, around l ˜200, are converging to around this level. Foregrounds are shown to contribute insignificantly at 33 GHz at intermediate and high galactic latitudes. The amplitude of foreground signals is less than 3-5 μ K resulting in only a 1 percent reduction in the observed CMB signal when subtracted quadratrically.