K2 Photometry of RR Lyrae Stars

Plachy, Emese; Molnár, László; Bódi, Attila; Skarka, Marek; Juhász, Áron L.; Sódor, Ádam; Klagyivik, Péter; Szabó, Róbert
Bibliographical reference

The RR Lyrae 2017 Conference. Revival of the Classical Pulsators: from Galactic Structure to Stellar Interior Diagnostics. Proceedings of the meeting held 17-21 September, 2017 in Niepołomice, Poland. Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society, Vol. 6. Edited by R. Smolec, K. Kinemuchi, and R.I. Anderson, ISBN 978-83-938279-9-2, pp.114-118

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Thousands of RR Lyrae stars have been observed by the Kepler space telescope so far. We developed a photometric pipeline tailored to the light variations of these stars, called the Extended Aperture Photometry (EAP). We present the comparison of our photometric solutions for Campaigns 0 through 6 with the other pipelines available, e.g., SAP/PDCSAP, K2P2, EVEREST, and others. We focus on the problems caused by instrumental effects and the detectability of the low-amplitude additional modes.