Kinematical analysis of the galactic planetary nebulae M1-32

Rechy-García, J.; Peña, M.; García-Rojas, J.
Bibliographical reference

Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae VI conference, Proceedings of the conference held 4-8 November, 2013. Edited by C. Morisset, G. Delgado-Inglada and S. Torres-Peimbert. Online at, id. #78

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It is found that the planetary nebula M1-32, which has a [WC4-5] core, shows a peculiar kinematics with bipolar outflows reaching ±200 km/s, while the main body is expanding radially with velocity of 15 km/s (Akras & Lopez 2012 , MNRAS, 425,2197; Rechy-García etal in preparation). Medina et al. (2006, RMAA, 42, 53 74) found high velocity wings in the nebular lines specially in [OIII]5007 and He I 5876. Using high-resolution spectra obtained with the spectrograph MES, attached to the 2.1-m of OAN- SPM, we present a study of the kinematic characteristics of M1-32. There slits were located passing through the center, and both nebular sides. The spectra at the sides show similar kinematics that the central slit, and in addition a sort of ansae at low velocity are found.