Light Curves of OJ 287, 3C 66A, AO 0235+164 and S5 0716+714 observed during the OJ-94 Project

Sillanpää, A.; Takalo, L. O.; Pursimo, T.; Lehto, H. J.; Nilsson, K.; Teerikorpi, P.; Heinämäki, P.; Lainela, M.; Kidger, M.; de Diego, J. A.; González-Pérez, J. N.; Rodríguez-Espinosa, J.-M.; Mahoney, T.; Boltwood, P.; Dultzin-Hacyan, D.; Benítez, E.; Turner, G. W.; Robertson, J. W.; Honeycut, R. K.; Efimov, Yu. S.; Shakhovskoy, N.; Charles, P. A.; Schramm, K. J.; Borgeest, U.; Linde, J. V.; Weneit, W.; Kühl, D.; Schramm, T.; Sadun, A.; Grashuis, R.; Heidt, J.; Wagner, S.; Bock, H.; Kümmel, M.; Heines, A.; Fiorucci, M.; Tosti, G.; Ghisellini, G.; Raiteri, C. M.; Villata, M.; de Francesco, G.; Bosio, S.; Latini, G.
Bibliographical reference

Workshop on Two Years of Intensive Monitoring of OJ 287 and 3C66A, Proceedings of the meeting held at Oxford, England, 11-14 September, 1995. Tuorla Observatory Reports, Informo No. 176. Edited by Leo O. Takalo. Piikkiö, Finland: Tuorla Observatory, University of Turku, c1996., p.7

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