A Multiwavelength Study of NLS1 Galaxies from the Second Byurakan Survey

Benítez, E.; Stepanian, J. A.; Krongold, Y.; Cruz-González, I.; de Diego, J. A.
Bibliographical reference

Galaxy Evolution: Theory & Observations (Eds. Vladimir Avila-Reese, Claudio Firmani, Carlos S. Frenk & Christine Allen) Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica (Serie de Conferencias) Vol. 17, pp. 104-104 (2003) (http://www.astroscu.unam.mx/~rmaa/)

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In this work we present some results of the multiwavelength study performed to a sample of 26 NLS1s discovered in the Second Byurakan Survey (SBS NLS1s). One of our main findings is that almost all SBS NLS1s may not have the FIR bump. Their SED suggest that they may also possess the BBB. In contrast with previous works, we have found weak soft X-ray NLS1s, radio loud NLS1s, weak FeII emission NLS1s, as well as objects with FWHM of H[ scriptstyle beta ]less than 2000 km s-1, but with [OIII]/H[ scriptstyle beta ]> 3. These results suggest that the NLS1s definition is very smooth and artificial.