Cenarro, A. J.; Moles, M.; Marín-Franch, A.; Cristóbal-Hornillos, D.; Yanes Díaz, A.; Ederoclite, A.; Varela, J.; Vázquez-Ramió, H.; Valdivielso, L.; Benítez, N.; Cepa, J.; Dupke, R.; Fernández-Soto, A.; Mendes de Oliveira, C.; Sodré, L.; Taylor, K.; Rueda-Teruel, S.; Rueda-Teruel, F.; Luis-Simoes, R.; Chueca, S.; Antón, J. L.; Bello, R.; Díaz-Martín, M. C.; Guillén-Civera, L.; Hernández-Fuertes, J.; Iglesias-Marzoa, R.; Jiménez-Mejías, D.; Lasso-Cabrera, N. M.; López-Alegre, G.; López-Sainz, A.; Rodríguez-Hernández, M. A. C.; Suárez, O.; Lamadrid, J. L.; Maícas, N.; Abril-Ibañez, J.; Tilve, V.; Rodríguez-Llano, S.
Bibliographical reference
Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9149, id. 91491I 12 pp. (2014).
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The Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre (OAJ) is a new Spanish
astronomical facility particularly designed for carrying out large sky
surveys. The OAJ is mainly motivated by the development of J-PAS, the
Javalambre- PAU Astrophysical Survey, an unprecedented astronomical
survey that aims to observe 8500 deg2 of the sky with a set of 54
optical contiguous narrow-band filters (FWHM ~14 nm) and 5 mid and
broad-band ones. J-PAS will provide a low resolution spectrum (R ~ 50)
for every pixel of the Northern sky down to AB~22:5 - 23:5 per square
arcsecond (at 5 σ level), depending on the narrow-band filter, and
~ 2 magnitudes deeper for the redder broad-band filters. The main
telescope at the OAJ is the Javalambre Survey Telescope (JST/T250), an
innovative Ritchey-Chrétien, alt-azimuthal, large-etendue
telescope with a primary mirror diameter of 2.55m and 3 deg (diameter)
FoV. The JST/T250 is the telescope devoted to conduct J-PAS with JPCam,
a panoramic camera of 4.7 deg2 FoV and a mosaic of 14 large
format CCDs that, overall, amounts to 1.2 Gpix. The second largest
telescope at the OAJ is the Javalambre Auxiliary Survey Telescope
(JAST/T80), a Ritchey-Chrétien, German-equatorial telescope of 82
cm primary mirror and 2 deg FoV, whose main goal is to perform J-PLUS,
the Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey. J-PLUS will cover the
same sky area of J-PAS using the panoramic camera T80Cam with 12 filters
in the optical range, which are specifically defined to perform the
photometric calibration of J-PAS. The OAJ project officially started in
mid 2010. Four years later, the OAJ is mostly completed and the first
OAJ operations have already started. The civil work and engineering
installations are finished, including the telescope buildings and the
domes. JAST/T80 is at the OAJ undertaking commissioning tasks, and
JST/T250 is in AIV phase at the OAJ. Related astronomical subsystems
like the seeing and atmospheric extinction monitors and the all-sky
camera are fully operative. This paper aims to present a brief
description and status of the OAJ main installations, telescopes and
cameras. The current development and operation plan of the OAJ in terms
of staffing organization, resources, observation scheduling, and data
archiving, is also described.