The Solar Acoustic Spectrum as Seen by GOLF. IV. Linewidth, Power and Energy of the Modes

Roca-Cortés, T.; Lazrek, M.; Bertello, L.; Thiery, S.; GOLF Team
Bibliographical reference

Structure and Dynamics of the Interior of the Sun and Sun-like Stars SOHO 6/GONG 98 Workshop Abstract, June 1-4, 1998, Boston, Massachusetts, p. 335

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The model fitted to the observed spectra also allows the measurement of the linewidth and power of each mode (see poster II). The linewidths are related to the damping mechanisms and the energies give information on the excitation mechanisms. Here the results of these parameters as well as the relative energy shared by the components of a given multiplet are presented. The results supports the turbulent convection as the main mechanism to excite the modes, however their damping also has to include radiative damping and possibly other sources. Moreover, results on the relative power of the components of the same multiplet seem to depart from the standard assumptions derived from a convection driven excitation mechanism only.