Some Spectroscopic Methods for Astrophysical Plasma Research

Popović, L. Č.; Dimitrijević, M. S.; Mediavilla, E.; Danezis, E.; Lyratzi, E.; Bon, E.; Ilić, D.; Jovanović, P.; Theodossiou, E.; Dačić, M.
Bibliographical reference

THE PHYSICS OF IONIZED GASES: 22nd Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases; Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures and Progress Reports. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 740, pp. 497-508 (2004).

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Here we will present some spectroscopic methods for emission gas research in the emission line region of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs): (1) We will demonstrate the possibility to use the Boltzmann-plot method to estimate the physical conditions in the broad line regions (BLRs) (2) We will discuss the applicability of so called ``Gaussian method'' for spectral line shape investigation of narrow line regions (NLRs) and BLRs; (3) We will present a method to fit the line profiles with a kinematically complex model. We apply a two-component model assuming that the line wings originate in a very broad line region (VBLR) and the line core in an intermediate line region (ILR) of AGNs. The VBLR is assumed to be an accretion disk and the ILR a spherical emission region; (4) Also, a model for fitting of the broad absorption lines in quasars will be discussed.