Socas-Navarro, H.
Bibliographical reference
Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol.331, Issue 6, p.581
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This paper discusses some of the challenges of spectro-polarimetric
observations with a large aperture solar telescope such as the ATST or
the EST. The observer needs to reach a compromise between spatial and
spectral resolution, time cadence, and signal-to-noise ratio, as only
three of those four parameters can be pushed to the limit. Tunable
filters and grating spectrographs provide a natural compromise as the
former are more suitable for high-spatial resolution observations while
the latter are a better choice when one needs to work with many
wavelengths at full spectral resolution. Given the requirements for the
new science targeted by these facilities, it is important that 1)
tunable filters have some multi-wavelength capability; and 2) grating
spectrographs have some 2D field of view.
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