Star Formation and Molecular Gas in AGN

Davies, Richard; Genzel, Reinhard; Tacconi, L.; Sánchez, F. Mueller; Sternberg, A.
Bibliographical reference

Mapping the Galaxy and Nearby Galaxies, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings. ISBN 978-0-387-72767-7. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2008, p. 144

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We present initial results from a survey of nearby AGN using the near infrared adaptive optics integral field spectrograph SINFONI. These data enable us to probe the distribution and kinematics of the gas and stars at spatial resolutions as small as 0.085”, corresponding in some cases to less than 10 pc. In this contribution we present results concerning (1) the molecular gas in the nucleus of NGC1068 and its relation to the obscuring torus; and (2) the stars which exist on spatial scales of a few tens of parsecs around the AGN, the evidence for their remarkably young age and extreme intensities, and their relation to the AGN.