Star Formation in Satellite Galaxies

Funes, José G.; Gutiérrez, Carlos M.; Prada, Francisco; Azzaro, Marco; Ribeiro, Marcelo B.
Bibliographical reference

Satellites and Tidal Streams, Published by Astronomical Society of the Pacific Volume 327, 2004. Edited by F. Prada, D. Martinez Delgado, and T.J. Mahoney. ISBN: 1-58381-190-7, p.272

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The study of satellite galaxies can provide information on the merging and aggregation processes which, according to the hierarchical clustering models, form the larger spiral galaxies we observe. With the aim of testing hierarchical models of galaxy formation, we have conducted an observational program which comprises H$alpha$ imaging for both the parent and the satellite galaxies, taken from the compilation by Zaritsky et al. (1997) that contains 115 galaxies orbiting 69 primary isolated spiral galaxies. We have observed a subsample of 37 spiral and irregular galaxies taken from the compilation mentioned above. The aim of this study is to determine star formation properties of the sample galaxies. In this work we present the preliminary results of this program that we have carried out with the 1.8-m Vatican Telescope (VATT).