Statistical properties of rotational and extra broadening velocities for massive OB stars of solar metallicity

Markova, Nevena; Puls, Joachim; Simon Diaz, S.; Herrero, A.; Markov, H.
Bibliographical reference

Massive Stars: From α to Ω, held 10-14 June 2013 in Rhodes, Greece; Online at, id.83

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Using own ESO-MTI/FEROS observations for 31 Galactic O-type stars, we performed a detailed quantitative analysis of these stars in terms of fundamental parameters, and rotational and extra line-broadening velocities. In practice, effective temperatures and surface gravities were determined by means of the recently updated version of the FASTWIND atmosphere code, while rotational and extra line-broadening velocities were evaluated applying a newly developed Fourier-transform + goodness-of-fit technique, assuming a radial-tangential distribution of velocities for the extra broadening. By means of the resulting data and incorporation of similar data for O-stars and B-supergiants from the literature, we investigate the properties of projected rotational and extra line-broadening velocities as a function of stellar parameters and stellar evolution, trying to put constraints on model predictions for the evolution of rotational rates of hot massive stars.