Status of the GEO600 detector

Lück, H.; Hewitson, M.; Ajith, P.; Allen, B.; Aufmuth, P.; Aulbert, C.; Babak, S.; Balasubramanian, R.; Barr, B. W.; Berukoff, S.; Bunkowski, A.; Cagnoli, G.; Cantley, C. A.; Casey, M. M.; Chelkowski, S.; Chen, Y.; Churches, D.; Cokelaer, T.; Colacino, C. N.; Crooks, D. R. M.; Cutler, C.; Danzmann, K.; Dupuis, R. J.; Elliffe, E.; Fallnich, C.; Franzen, A.; Freise, A.; Gholami, I.; Goßler, S.; Grant, A.; Grote, H.; Grunewald, S.; Harms, J.; Hage, B.; Heinzel, G.; Heng, I. S.; Hepstonstall, A.; Heurs, M.; Hild, S.; Hough, J.; Itoh, Y.; Jones, G.; Jones, R.; Huttner, S. H.; Kötter, K.; Krishnan, B.; Kwee, P.; Luna, M.; Machenschalk, B.; Malec, M.; Mercer, R. A.; Meier, T.; Messenger, C.; Mohanty, S.; Mossavi, K.; Mukherjee, S.; Murray, P.; Newton, G. P.; Papa, M. A.; Perreur-Lloyd, M.; Pitkin, M.; Plissi, M. V.; Prix, R.; Quetschke, V.; Re, V.; Regimbau, T.; Rehbein, H.; Reid, S.; Ribichini, L.; Robertson, D. I.; Robertson, N. A.; Robinson, C.; Romano, J. D.; Rowan, S.; Rüdiger, A.; Sathyaprakash, B. S.; Schilling, R.; Schnabel, R.; Schutz, B. F.; Seifert, F.; Sintes, A. M.; Smith, J. R.; Sneddon, P. H.; Strain, K. A.; Taylor, I.; Taylor, R.; Thüring, A.; Ungarelli, C.; Vahlbruch, H.; Vecchio, A.; Veitch, J.; Ward, H.; Weiland, U.; Welling, H.; Wen, L.; Williams, P.; Willke, B.; Winkler, W.; Woan, G.; Zhu, R.
Bibliographical reference

Classical and Quantum Gravity, Volume 23, Issue 8, pp. S71-S78 (2006).

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Of all the large interferometric gravitational-wave detectors, the German/British project GEO600 is the only one which uses dual recycling. During the four weeks of the international S4 data-taking run it reached an instrumental duty cycle of 97% with a peak sensitivity of 7 × 10-22 Hz-1/2 at 1 kHz. This paper describes the status during S4 and improvements thereafter.