Synoptic Map of the Subsurface Velocity Flows

González Hernández, I.; Patron, J.; Bogart, R. S.; SOI Ring Diagrams,
Bibliographical reference

Structure and Dynamics of the Interior of the Sun and Sun-like Stars SOHO 6/GONG 98 Workshop Abstract, June 1-4, 1998, Boston, Massachusetts, p. 587

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A view of the horizontal velocity flows in the upper layers of the convection zone is presented. In order to produce the synoptic map, 120 sections of about 15 degrees square have been studied using a ring diagram analysis. The area analyzed extends 75 degrees in latitude and 360 degrees in longitude. The sections were individually tracked over periods of plus or minus 768 minutes from their central meridian crossings. The data used are SOI/MDI full-disc Dopplergrams taken during its first Dynamics Program in May and June of 1996. The images have a pixel size of 2 arcsec which allows coverage of a range in l up to 1200. The results show a coherent pattern in the velocity fields compatible with meridional circulation from the equator to the poles of order 30-50 m/s at depths of 0.985 r/Rodot. Rotational curves versus depth for latitudes 0-circ, 15-circ and 30-circ are also shown.