
Barrios Pérez, J.; Ferrer Jorge, E. G.
Bibliographical reference

Contributions to the XIV.0 Scientific Meeting (virtual) of the Spanish Astronomical Society

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TEIDESAT is an initiative that was born in the University of La Laguna (Tenerife, Canary Islands), in December 2017, and that now involves up to 25 students, mainly from the University of La Laguna (ULL) and the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), but that has extended widely, with students from universities in Madrid, Valencia, Barcelona and Milan. All members of the team share a common vision: to design, build, fly and operate the first nanosatellite, Teidesat-I, made from university-level students from the Canary Islands. Such a complex and engaging endeavour requires a multidisciplinary approach, including science, engineering, design, management and economics. Our team is conformed by students covering all these areas, and from all university levels, from undergraduate students all the way to MSc and Phd levels. The main goal of the TEIDESAT team is to learn to develop, in a practical way, the skills and abilities necessary for the creation of a 1U CubeSat, and to form future professionals in the aerospace field. With that goal in mind, and after a thorough research, we decided the mission objective of Teidesat-I: to demonstrate the capability to establish optical communication through LED technology between a CubeSat on Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and Earth, using robotic telescopes located in the observatories of the Canary Islands (Observatorios de Canarias).