Ten Years of STEPHI Multisite Campaigns on Delta Scuti Stars

Michel, E.; Chevreton, M.; Belmonte, J. A.; Li, Z. P.; Alvarez, M.; Stephi Team
Bibliographical reference

The Impact of Large-Scale Surveys on Pulsating Star Research, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 203; also IAU Colloquium #176. Edited by L. Szabados and D. Kurtz. ISBN: 1-58381-030-7 (2000), p.483-484

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STEPHI is a photometry network that aims to obtain data to reach a better understanding of the physics of stellar interiors by seismology of δ Scuti stars. For ten years now STEPHI has been harvesting multisite rapid photometry data of δ Scuti stars on the main sequence. With 12 δ Scuti stars observed during three-week, three-site campaigns, STEPHI has produced a significant amount of the data available on δ Scuti stars for seismological study of this stage of evolution. The STEPHI data have already been basis of several theoretical interpretations (see http://dasgal.obspm.fr/ stephi). Here we focus on some aspects of our observational strategy and results.