Towards a fully automatic and robust DIMM (DIMMA)

Varela, A. M.; Muñoz-Tuñón, C.; del Olmo-García, A. M.; Rodríguez, L. F.; Delgado, J. M.; Castro-Almazán, J. A.
Bibliographical reference

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 595, Issue 1, article id. 012041 (2015).

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Quantitative seeing measurements have been provided at the Canarian Observatories since 1990 by differential image motion monitors (DIMMs). Image quality needs to be studied in long term (routine) measurements. This is important, for instance, in deciding on the siting of large telescopes or in the development of adaptive optics programmes, not to mention the development and design of new instruments. On the other hand, the continuous real time monitoring is essential in the day-to-day operation of telescopes. These routine measurements have to be carried out by standard, easy-to-operate and cross- calibrated instruments that required to be be operational with minimum intervention over many years. The DIMMA (Automatic Differential Image Motion Monitor) is the next step, a fully automated seeing monitor that is capable of providing data without manual operation and in remote locations. Currently, the IAC has two DIMMs working at Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (ORM) and Teide Observatory (OT). They are robotic and require an operator to start and initialize the program, focus the telescope, change the star when needed and turn off at the end of the night, all of which is done remotely. With a view to automation, we have designed a code for monitoring image quality (avoiding spurious data) and a program for autofocus, which is presented here. The data quality control protocol is also given.