Lites, Bruce W.; Socas Navarro, H.; Berger, T.; Frank, Z.; Shine, R.; Tarbell, T.; Title, A.; Ichimoto, K.; Katsukawa, Y.; Tsuneta, S.; Suematsu, Y.; Kubo, M.; Shimizu, T.; Nagata, S.; Hinode Team
Bibliographical reference
American Astronomical Society Meeting 210, #63.03; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 39, p.171
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Measurements with the HINODE Spectro-Polarimeter (SP) of the quiet Sun
allow characterization of the weak, mixed-polarity magnetic flux at the
highest angular resolution to date (0.3"), and with good polarimetric
sensitivity(0.025% relative to the continuum). The image stabilization
of the HINODE spacecraft allows long integrations with degradation of
the image quality only by the evolution of the solar granulation. From
the Stokes V profile measurements we find an average solar "Apparent
Flux Density" of 14 Mx cm-2, with significant Stokes V signals at every
position on the disk at all times. However, there are patches of
meso-granular size (5-15") where the flux is very weak. At this high
sensitivity, transverse fields produce measurable Stokes Q,U linear
polarization signals over a majority of the area, with apparent
transverse flux densities in the internetwork significantly larger than
the corresponding longitudinal flux densities. When viewed at the center
of the solar disk, the Stokes V signals (longitudinal fields) show a
preference for occurrence in the intergranular lanes, and the Q,U
signals occur preferably over the granule interiors, but neither
association is exclusive.
Hinode is an international project supported by JAXA, NASA, PPARC and
ESA. We are grateful to the Hinode team for all their efforts in the
design, build and operation of the mission.