The use of alternative energies for powering ELTs

Pescador, German R.
Bibliographical reference

Second Backaskog Workshop on Extremely Large Telescopes. Edited by Ardeberg, Arne L.; Andersen, Torben. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 5382, pp. 680-683 (2004).

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The use of alternative energies is becoming common in many places around the world. It is envisaged that most large projects will consider the use of alternative energies in this new century. Such use or at least the attempts to use renewable energies to somewhat offset the power requirements of an ELT will be seen very positively by the general public, as well as by the administration and political authorities. The enclosure of an ELT will be one of the most unique buildings on earth. Its location will be suitable for the use of alternative energies and in particular of solar energy. The use of solar energy to power the building of an ELT will be discussed. A conceptual design of the possible building shall be done cosidering the installation of photovoltaic panels as part of the building structure.