Guerra, J.; Molinari, Emilio; Lodi, Marcello; Martin, Adrian; Dalton, Gavin B.; Trager, Scott C.; Jin, Shoko; Abrams, Don Carlos; Bonifacio, Piercarlo; López Aguerri, J. A.; Vallenari, Antonella; Carrasco Licea, Esperanza E.; Middleton, Kevin F.
Bibliographical reference
Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9913, id. 99131X 15 pp. (2016).
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Refereed citations
The WAS1(WEAVE Archive System) is a software architecture for archiving
and delivering the data releases for the WEAVE7 instrument at WHT
(William Herschel Telescope). The WEAVE spectrograph will be mounted at
the 4.2-m WHT telescope and will provide millions of spectra in a 5-year
program, starting early 2018. The access and retrieval of information
will be through its dedicated archive, the WEAVE Archive System (WAS).
This will be developed and maintained at the TNG2 premises on the same
island as the WHT. Its structure foresees the main axes of scalability,
virtualization, and high availability. We present here the first
performances on a simulated data set of 20M spectra, using different
architectures and hardware choices.