Young and Explosive BAL QSOs (at low and high redshifts)

Lipari, S.; Terlevich, R.; Zheng, W.; Mediavilla, E.; Garcia-Lorenzo, B.; Acosta-Pulido, J. A.; Sánchez, S. F.; Bergmann, M.; Ahumada, J.; Merlo, D.
Bibliographical reference

Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, vol.48, p.391-394

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study of outflow (OF) and BAL systems in QSOs is presented. This study is based mainly on 1D and 3D spectroscopy (obtained at La Palma/WHT, HST, IUE, ESO/NTT, KPNO, APO and CASLEO observatories) plus HST images. In particular, for the nearest BAL QSO Mrk 231, we found clear evidence that the extreme nuclear OF process has at least 3 main and composite components (on different scales), which are probably associated with: (i) the radio jet, at pc scale; and (ii) the extreme starburst and explosions, at pc and kpc scale. This OF has generated at least 4 concentric expanding superbubbles and the BAL systems. The IR colours diagram and the UV BAL systems of IR+GW/OF+FeII QSOs are analysed. We found results which confirm our previous evolutive scenario for BAL QSOs. These studies confirm that these objects could be nearby young BAL QSOs, similar to those detected recently at z = 6.0. We propose that the phase of young QSO} is associated with: accretion of large amount of gas (by the SMBH) + extreme starbursts + extreme composite OFs/BALs.