
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • Seismic Evidence for a Rapidly Rotating Core in a Lower-giant-branch Star Observed with Kepler
    Rotation is expected to have an important influence on the structure and the evolution of stars. However, the mechanisms of angular momentum transport in stars remain theoretically uncertain and very complex to take into account in stellar models. To achieve a better understanding of these processes, we desperately need observational constraints on
    Deheuvels, S. et al.

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  • Seismology of Sunspots: An Interplay between Temperature and Magnetic Field Structures
    Using a numerical three-dimensional MHD modelling of magneto-acoustic wave propagation in a realistic magnetostatic sunspot model we investigate the influence of the magnetic field on the parameters measured by local helioseismology. We find that the variations of temperature as well as the presence of the magnetic field cause important changes to
    Olshevsky, V. et al.

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  • Serendipitous discovery of a strong-lensed galaxy in integral field spectroscopy from MUSE
    2MASX J04035024-0239275 is a bright red elliptical galaxy at redshift 0.0661 that presents two extended sources at 2″ to the north-east and 1″ to the south-west. The sizes and surface brightnesses of the two blue sources are consistent with a gravitationally-lensed background galaxy. In this paper, we present Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE
    Galbany, L. et al.

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  • Seven young star clusters in the inner region of the Small Magellanic Cloud
    We present CCD photometry in the Washington system C and T1 passbands down to T1 ~ 22 in the fields of L35, L45, L49, L50, L62, L63 and L85, seven poorly studied star clusters in the inner region of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). We measured T1 magnitudes and C - T1 colours for a total of 114826 stars distributed throughout cluster areas of 13.7
    Piatti, Andrés E. et al.

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  • Shakhbazian compact galaxy groups. IV. Photometric and spectroscopic study of ShCG 8, ShCG 14 ShCG 19, ShCG 22
    We present the results of a detailed spectroscopic and photometric study of four Shakhbazian compact groups: ShCG 8, ShCG 14, ShCG 19, and ShCG 22. We determined the redshifts of member galaxies and radial velocity dispersions of groups. We also studied the distribution of the surface brightness of member galaxies in R and determined their
    Tovmassian, H. et al.

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  • Shocked excitation in the bipolar nebula CRL 618
    Intermediate-long-slit spectroscopy of the protoplanetary-nebula candidate CRL 618, obtained using an IPCS on the 2.5-m telescope at the Observatorio Roque de los Muchachos, are reported. The data are presented in plots of forbidden N II (6548 + 6584 A) vs H-alpha and compared with the predictions of theoretical models. Best agreement is found with
    Riera, A. et al.

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