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  • Searching for a second occultation in EPIC 204376071
    EPIC 204376071 is a young ($\sim$10 Myr) M star (estimated mass 0.16 M$_\odot$, and radius 0.63 R$_\odot$), probable member of the Upper Sco association, that exhibited an 80% drop in flux lasting one day, in the course of one campaign of the K2 mission (Rappaport et al. 2019). Different scenarios have been proposed to explain this feature, some of
    Alonso, Roi et al.

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  • Strong lithium lines in red supergiants at different metallicities
    Lithium (Li) is a fragile material, easily destroyed in stellar interiors. Within our current understanding of stellar evolution for stars more massive than $\sim6\:$M$_{\odot}$, Li should be depleted in the atmospheres of all such stars well before the time when they reach the He core burning phase. Despite this prediction, we find a high fraction
    Negueruela, I. et al.

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  • The blue supergiant 2MASS J20395358+4222505, a Rosetta stone in the realm of massive stars
    2MASS J20395358+4222505 is a highly extincted (Av= 9.6 mag) early B-supergiant located in the nearest massive star forming region, Cyg-X, in the outskirts of the massive star association Cyg OB2. A mass of M= 46 M$_\odot$ and a luminosity of log(L/L$_\odot$)= 5.7 make it one of the most massive and luminous stars in the Milky Way. Interestingly
    Herrero, A. et al.

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  • The ExoLife Finder project: a prototype hydrid interferometer telescope to be installed at Teide Observatory
    The IAC in Tenerife is collaborating with an international consortium involving the University of Hawaii, MorphOptic (USA), Dynamical Intelligent Structures (DiSL, Canada) and two institutes in Lyon (CRAL@CNRS + INSA; France), to design the future $\geq$40m ExoLife Finder (ELF), an optical hybrid interferometer telescope. The objectives of ELF are
    Lodieu, Nicolas et al.

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  • The extreme relic galaxy NGC 1277 is dark matter deficient
    Relic galaxies are extremely compact early-type objects that have failed to accrete an extended envelope of stars. We observed the relic galaxy NGC 1277 with the integral field George and Cynthia Mitchel spectrograph (GCMS). The observations also include the regular early-type galaxy NGC 1278, which is used for comparison. We obtained resolved
    Comerón, S. et al.

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  • The interaction of a planetary nebula with the ISM
    NGC 7293, the Helix nebula, represents one of the rare instances in which theoretical predictions of stellar evolution can be accurately tested against observations since the precise parallax distance and the velocity and proper motion of the star are well known. We present numerical simulations of the formation of the Helix PN that are fully
    Manchado, E. et al.

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