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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • The young HD 73583 (TOI-560) planetary system: two 10-M<SUB>⊕</SUB> mini-Neptunes transiting a 500-Myr-old, bright, and active K dwarf
    We present the discovery and characterization of two transiting planets observed by TESS in the light curves of the young and bright (V = 9.67) star HD73583 (TOI-560). We perform an intensive spectroscopic and photometric space- and ground-based follow-up in order to confirm and characterize the system. We found that HD73583 is a young (~500 Myr)
    Barragán, O. et al.

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  • Enabling efficient quantum communications with adaptive optics
    Superconducting nanowire detectors fed by single mode fibres are essential to minimize dark counts in a quantum communication receiver. Efficient coupling of the received light to the single mode fibre is fundamental for the system performance, but it gets deeply affected by the atmospheric turbulence. Adaptive Optics measure and correct for the
    Martinez, Noelia et al.

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  • Plenoptic wavefront sensor for free-space optical communications
    A plenoptic wavefront sensor is proposed for the measurement of the atmospheric turbulence on satellite-toground optical communications. The design will be based on the outcome of the performance simulations for the specific site Teide Observatory (Spain). The performance of the plenoptic wavefront sensor is compared to a Shack-Hartmann wavefront
    Martinez, Noelia et al.

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  • Transportable ground station for QKD using adaptive optics
    This article summarizes the results of a system engineering approach to the design of a Transportable Optical Ground Station (TOGS) intended to be used for quantum key distribution in a number of scenarios. Key requirements are listed and a product breakdown is proposed, identifying parts, which are specific to a particular scenario and others
    Socas Negrín, Jorge et al.

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  • The Ariel 0.6 - 7.8 μm stellar limb-darkening coefficients
    We provide here tables of stellar limb-darkening coefficients (LDCs) for the Ariel ESA M4 space mission. These tables include LDCs corresponding to different wavelength bins and white bands for the NIRSpec, AIRS-Ch0 and AIRS-Ch1 spectrographs, and those corresponding to the VISPhot, FGS1 and FGS2 photometers. The LDCs are calculated with the open
    Morello, Giuseppe et al.

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  • Are dark gaps in barred galaxies a signature of bar corotation?
    Stellar bars in galaxies induce morphological features, such as rings, through their resonances. Previous studies suggested that the presence of 'dark-gaps' around the stellar bars, regions of the disk where the difference between the surface brightness along the bar major axis and along the bar minor axis are maximal, can be attributed to the
    D'Onghia, Elena et al.

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