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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • The structure of BB Doradus in quiescence
    Spectroscopic observations during a low state of BB Dor reveal a complex emission distribution. Irradiation by the white dwarf as well as magnetic fields of the secondary star are needed for an explanation.
    Schmidtobreick, L. et al.

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  • The Substellar Domain in the ɛ Orionis Cluster
    We present an IZ photometric survey covering a total area of about 1000 arcmin2 around the ɛ Orionis young massive star (˜10 Myr, d=412 pc) and reaching a limiting magnitude I=22. From the resulting I, I-Z color-magnitude diagram we have selected 123 red candidates in the interval I=15--22 mag, which according to evolutionary models corresponds to
    Béjar, V. J. S. et al.

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  • The Tc Trend In The Zetta Reticuli System: N Spectra – N Trends.
    It is suggested that the chemical abundance trend with the condensation temperature, Tc , can be a signature of rocky planet formation or accretion. Recently, a strong Tc trend was reported in the Zetta Reticuli binary system (Saffe et al., 2016), where ζ2 Ret Ret shows a deficit of refractory elements relative to its companion (ζ1 Ret). This
    Adibekyan, V. et al.

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  • The Thermal and Magnetic Structure of Umbral Dots from the Inversion of High-Resolution Full Stokes Observations
    This paper presents the analysis of high-resolution Stokes observations of eight different umbral dots in a sunspot. The spectra were recorded with the La Palma Stokes Polarimeter, attached to the Swedish Vacuum Solar Telescope. The observed line profiles have been inverted to yield the height stratifications of temperature, magnetic field, and
    Socas-Navarro, H. et al.

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  • The Three-dimensional Structure of a Sunspot Magnetic Field
    We report on observations of the three-dimensional structure of a sunspot magnetic field from the photosphere to the chromosphere, obtained with the new visible/infrared spectropolarimeter SPINOR. The observations, interpreted with a non-LTE modeling technique, reveal a surprisingly complex topology with areas of opposite-sign torsion, suggesting
    Socas-Navarro, H.

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