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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Galaxy structure: core radii and central mass deficits
    We investigate the nuclear and global structure of early-type galaxies, and the apparent disparity between the Nuker and Sersic models for radial light profiles. We show that the so-called "power-law" galaxies in fact have Sersic r1/n profiles over their entire observed radial range. Consequently, only three (Sersic-profile) parameters are required
    Graham, A. W. et al.

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  • Galaxy-wide radio-induced feedback in a radio-quiet quasar
    We report the discovery of a radio-quiet type 2 quasar (SDSS J165315.06+234943.0 nicknamed the `Beetle' at z = 0.103) with unambiguous evidence for active galactic nucleus (AGN) radio-induced feedback acting across a total extension of ˜46 kpc and up to ˜26 kpc from the AGN. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first radio-quiet system where
    Villar-Martín, M. et al.

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  • Gas Dynamics and Star Formation in the Grand-Design Spiral NGC 5248
    We present a multi-wavelength study of the gas dynamics and star formation in the grand-design spiral galaxy NGC 5248, illustrating how coupled dynamical mechanisms can generate spiral structures from tens of kpc to hundreds of pc, drive disk evolution, and fuel star formation on progressively smaller scales. Although to date NGC 5248 has been
    Jogee, S. et al.

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  • Gas kinematics in the halo of the warm ULIRG PKS1345+12
    We use long-slit spectra taken with the William Herschel Telescope on La Palma and high-resolution Hubble Space Telescope imaging to study the gas kinematic in the halo of the ultraluminous infrared/radio galaxy PKS1345+12 ( z=0.122). Our long-slit spectra show line splitting at the locations of massive star clusters ( 106
    Rodríguez Zaurín, Javier et al.

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  • Gemini/GMOS imaging of globular clusters in the Virgo galaxy NGC 4649 (M60)
    We present Sloan g and i imaging from the Gemini Multi-object Spectrograph (GMOS) instrument on the Gemini North telescope for the globular cluster (GC) system around the Virgo galaxy NGC 4649 (M60). Our three pointings, taken in good seeing conditions, cover an area of about 90 square arcmin. We detect 2151 unresolved sources. Applying colour and
    Forbes, Duncan A. et al.

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