Cooperation agreements

The IAC carries out most of its activity in close collaboration with national and international institutions. These collaborations are developed under the framework of Memorandum of Undesrstanding or Specific Agreements in which the rights and obligations of the signatories are established, as well as the possible counterbenefits for the achievement of common objectives. In this section, you will find the list of agreements participated by the IAC, with detailed information about signatories, the purpose of the agreement, period of validity and other details of interest.

  • lnternship agreement between The Haute école des art du Rhin and lnstituto de Astrofísica de Canarias

    This internship will have as main aim to ensure the practical application of the teaching provided by The Haute école des art du Rhin. The hosting organisation should enlrust the trainee with tasks

  • Acuerdo Específico entre el IAC y GOBCAN para la realización de prácticas IES Cesar Manrique

    Acuerdo Específico entre el IAC y GOBCAN para la realización de prácticas IES Cesar Manrique

  • Adenda al Convenio de colaboración entre el IAC, Fundación CajaCanarias y Fundación La Caixa para el programa internacional de Becas de Doctorado

    Adenda al Convenio de colaboración entre el IAC, Fundación CajaCanarias y Fundación La Caixa para el programa internacional de Becas de Doctorado

  • Memorandum Of Understanding between Instituto the Astrofísica de Canarias and Airbnb Strategic Partnership

    The collaboration between IAC and Airbnb is based on three strategic pillars in which the parties intend to cooperate, without exclusivity, by collaborating in good faith: 1. The promotion of astro

  • Acuerdo entre el IAC y la FECYT para el acceso a la base de datos Web of Science

    Acuerdo entre el IAC y la FECYT para el acceso a la base de datos Web of Science

  • Addendum n. 1 to the agreement between Università Degli Studi Di Milano Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias for the installation and operation of the LSPE/STRIP experiment at the Teide Observatory

    The purpose of this Addendum n.1 is the modification of the "Agreement between the Università degli Studi di Milano and the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands for the installation and