The First Post-Kepler Brightness Dips of KIC 8462852
We present a photometric detection of the first brightness dips of the unique variable star KIC 8462852 since the end of the Kepler space mission in 2013 May...
The Gran Telescopio Canarias obtains the visible spectrum of C/2019 Q4 (Borisov), the first confirmed interstellar comet
The spectrum acquired by GTC of interstellar comet C/2019 Q4 (Borisov) reveals that this object has a surface composition not unlike that found in Solar System...
The nature of comet-asteroid transition object (3200) Phaethon
Context: The study of asteroids that present sporadic cometary activity is of fundamental importance to address several astronomical problems including the end...
The population, magnitudes, and sizes of Jupiter family comets
We analyze the sample of measured nuclear magnitudes of the observed Jupiter family (JF) comets (taken as those with orbital periods P 20 years and Tisserand...
C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) was observed in daylight on 16 days between 1997 April 1 and 1997 April 28, five of which had long time sequences (up to 10 hr of data)...
C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) was observed around perihelion (2015 January 30) on 15 nights between 2015 January 21 and February 11 using the TADer 0.3-m astrograph...
The Round Table Discussion: How Should We Take Best Advantage of the New Generation of Large Telescopes for Cometary Research?
The highlights of the round table discussion held to discuss the most important pending problems in cometary astrophysics are reported. A number of experts...
The size distribution of asteroids in cometary orbits and related populations
Aims.In this work we study the cumulative size distribution of the population of asteroids in cometary orbits (ACOs), aiming to discriminate its cometary or...
The visible and near-infrared spectra of asteroids in cometary orbits
Context. Dynamical and albedo properties suggest that asteroids in cometary orbits (ACOs) are dormant or extinct comets. Their study provides new insights for...