Mid-infrared sources in the ELAIS Deep X-ray Survey
We present a cross-correlation of the European Large Area Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) survey (ELAIS) with the ELAIS Deep X-ray Survey of the N1 and N2...
Mid-infrared spectroscopy of infrared-luminous galaxies at z ~ 0.5-3
We present results on low-resolution mid-infrared (MIR) spectra of 70 IR-luminous galaxies obtained with the infrared spectrograph (IRS) onboard Spitzer. We...
Mid-IR cosmological spectrophotometric surveys from space: Measuring AGN and star formation at the cosmic noon with a SPICA-like mission
We use the SPace Infrared telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics (SPICA) project as a template to demonstrate how deep spectrophotometric surveys covering...
MIGHTEE-H I: H I galaxy properties in the large-scale structure environment at z 0.37 from a stacking experiment
We present the first measurement of H I mass of star-forming galaxies in different large scale structure environments from a blind survey at z ~ 0.37. In...
MIGHTEE-H I: possible interactions with the galaxy NGC 895
The transformation and evolution of a galaxy is strongly influenced by interactions with its environment. Neutral hydrogen (H I) is an excellent way to trace...
Mild radial variations of the stellar IMF in the bulge of M31
Using new, homogeneous, long-slit spectroscopy in the wavelength range from ~0.35 to $\sim 1 \, \mu$m, we study radial gradients of optical and near-infrared...
Mild Velocity Dispersion Evolution of massive galaxies since z~2
Making use of public spectra from Cimatti et al. (2008), we measure for the first time the velocity dispersion of spheroid-like massive (M* ~ 1011M&sun;)...
Mild Velocity Dispersion Evolution of Spheroid-Like Massive Galaxies Since z ~ 2
Making use of public spectra from Cimatti et al., we measure for the first time the velocity dispersion of spheroid-like massive (M sstarf ~ 1011 M sun)...