Context. Ambipolar diffusion is a physical mechanism related to the drift between charged and neutral particles in a partially ionized plasma that is key to...
Ambipolar diffusion: Self-similar solutions and MHD code testing. Cylindrical symmetry
Context. Ambipolar diffusion is a process occurring in partially ionised astrophysical systems that imparts a complicated mathematical and physical nature to...
Ambipolar filamentation of turbulent magnetic fields: a numerical simulation
We present the results of a 2-D, two fluid (ions and neutrals) simulation of the ambipolar filamentation process, in which a magnetized, weakly ionized plasma...
Amino acids in comets and meteorites: stability under gamma radiation and preservation of the enantiomeric excess
Amino acids in Solar system bodies may have played a key role in the chemistry that led to the origin of life on Earth. We present laboratory studies testing...
Ammonia-methane ratios from H-band near-infrared spectra of late-T and Y dwarfs
Aims: Our goals are to investigate the relative absorption strengths of ammonia and methane using low-resolution H-band (1.5−1.7 microns) spectra obtained in...
An application of an optimal statistic for characterizing relative orientations
We present the projected Rayleigh statistic (PRS), a modification of the classic Rayleigh statistic, as a test for non-uniform relative orientation between two...
An artificial neural network approach to the solution of molecular chemical equilibrium
A novel approach is presented for the solution of instantaneous chemical equilibrium problems. The chemical equilibrium can be considered, due to its...
An automated system to classify stellar spectra - I
Analyses of stellar spectra often begin with the determination of a number of parameters that define a model atmosphere. This work presents a prototype for an...
An effective temperature calibration for solar type stars using equivalent width ratios. A fast and easy spectroscopic temperature estimation
Aims: Precise determination of the stellar effective temperature of solar type stars is extremely important for astrophysics. We present an effective...