WD 1145+017 is a unique white dwarf system that has a heavily polluted atmosphere, an infrared excess from a dust disk, numerous broad absorption lines from...
Shape and spin determination of Barbarian asteroids
Context. The so-called Barbarian asteroids share peculiar, but common polarimetric properties, probably related to both their shape and composition. They are...
Size and albedo distributions of asteroids in cometary orbits using WISE data
Context. Determining whether asteroids in cometary orbits (ACOs) are dormant or extinct comets is relevant for understanding the end-states of comets and the...
Spectral characterisation of 14 V-type candidate asteroids from the MOVIS catalogue
Most of the currently known basaltic (V-type) asteroids are believed to be past or present members of the Vesta dynamical family. The rising discoveries of V...
Spectral properties of asteroids in cometary orbits
Aims: In this paper we analyze the spectra of a sample of asteroids in cometary orbits (ACOs) in order to understand the relationship between them, the Jupiter...
Spectral properties of near-Earth objects with low-Jovian Tisserand invariant
The near-Earth objects with low-Jovian Tisserand invariant (T J) represent about 9 per cent of the known objects orbiting in the near-Earth space, being subject...
Spectroscopic investigation of near-Earth objects at Telescopio Nazionale Galileo
In this paper we present new results obtained from our spectroscopic survey of near-Earth objects (called SINEO). We show a set of 36 visible and near-infrared...
Spectroscopic study of Ceres' collisional family candidates
Context. Despite the observed signs of large impacts on the surface of Ceres, there is no confirmed collisional family associated with this dwarf planet. After...