Context. The potentially hazardous asteroid (PHA) (99942) Apophis is one of the most remarkable near-Earth asteroids (NEA) in terms of impact hazard. A good...
Hera mission flies by Mars on its way to Didymos and captures unique images of its moons
ESA’s Hera mission for planetary defense performed a flyby of Mars, as part of its gravitational assistance manoeuvre to shorten its journey to the binary...
High-speed Photometry of the Disintegrating Planetesimals at WD1145+017: Evidence for Rapid Dynamical Evolution
We obtained high-speed photometry of the disintegrating planetesimals orbiting the white dwarf WD 1145+017, spanning a period of four weeks. The light curves...
Improved models for the near-Earth asteroids (2100) Ra-Shalom, (3103) Eger, (12711) Tukmit, and (161989) Cacus
We present 24 new dense light curves of the near-Earth asteroids (3103) Eger, (161989) Cacus, (2100) Ra-Shalom, and (12711) Tukmit, obtained with the Instituto...
Infrared spectroscopy of the largest known trans-Neptunian object 2001 KX75
We report complete near-infrared (0.9-2.4 mu m) spectral observations of the largest know trans-Neptunian objects (TNO) 28976 = 2001 KX76 taken in two different...
Intermittent Dust Mass Loss from Activated Asteroid P/2013 P5 (PANSTARRS)
We present observations and models of the dust environment of activated asteroid P/2013 P5 (PANSTARRS). The object displayed a complex morphology during the...
J-PLUS: A first glimpse at the spectrophotometry of asteroids. The MOOJa catalog
Context. The Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey (J-PLUS) is an observational campaign that aims to obtain photometry in 12 ultraviolet-visible filters...
Lightcurves and Pole Determinations for Asteroids 31 Euphrosyne, 196 Philomena, and 471 Papagena
We present lightcurves ofasteroids 31 Euphrosyne, 196 Philomena and 471 Papagena and apply two different amplitude-aspect methods for pole and shape...
Links between the dynamical evolution and the surface color of the Centaurs
Context. The Centaurs are a transitional population of minor bodies of the solar system and the evolutionary link between the trans-Neptunian objects and the...