Techniques involved in measurements of solar magnetic field are based on the observation and interpretation of the polarization signal in suitable Fraunhofer...
Magnetic field strength in solar flux tubes - A model atmosphere independent determination
The "line ratio method" (Stenflo, 1973) has been extensively used in the past to carry out measurements of the magnetic field strength in spatially unresolved...
Multidimensional energy transfer by radiation in the solar atmosphere
Both linear and nonlinear analysis are used to gain a better understanding of the effects of multi-dimensional transfer of energy by radiation in spatially...
Multidimensional radiative transfer with multilevel atoms. 1: ALI method with preconditioning of the rate equations
We combine a number of powerful mathematical techniques to produce an effective method for treating multidimensional radiative transfer problems in complex...
An international study, led by researchers at the IAC, reveal unknown details about the nature of a singular type of oscillatory phenomenon in spiral form...
Nonlinear flows along magnetic flux tubes - Mathematical structure and exact simple wave solutions
The mathematical structure of nonlinear, isentropic longitudinal flows of an ideal magnetohydrodynamic plasma confined to a magnetic flux tube embedded in a...
Nonlinear time-evolution of kink-unstable magnetic flux tubes in the convection zone of the Sun
The nonlinear development of the kink instability of a magnetic flux tube initially lying in mechanical equilibrium in the deep convection zone is presented...
Numerical test of a new v-profile inversion technique
The diagnostic method proposed by Landi Degl'Innocenti and Landolfi (1982), based on the observation of circular polarization, has been generalized to derive...