NAHUAL: a near-infrared high-resolution spectrograph for the GTC optimized for studies of ultracool dwarfs
We present the status of an ongoing study for a high-resolution near-infrared echelle spectrograph for the 10.4-m GTC (Gran Telescopio de Canarias) which will...
Near to Mid-infrared Spectroscopy of (65803) Didymos as Observed by JWST: Characterization Observations Supporting the Double Asteroid Redirection Test
The Didymos binary asteroid was the target of the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission, which intentionally impacted Dimorphos, the smaller member of...
Near-infrared spectroscopy of the Chaldaea asteroid family: Possible link to the Klio family
There are eight primitive asteroid families in the inner main belt. The PRIMitive Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey (PRIMASS) has characterized all eight families...
Near-infrared spectroscopy of the Klio primitive inner-belt asteroid family
The PRIMitive Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey (PRIMASS) aims to characterize primitive asteroids throughout the asteroid belt in the visible and near-infrared...
Near-infrared spectroscopy of the Sulamitis asteroid family: Surprising similarities in the inner belt primitive asteroid population
We present NIR spectra of 19 asteroids in the Sulamitis family as part of our survey of primitive inner belt asteroid families. The spectra were obtained with...
New polarimetric and spectroscopic evidence of anomalous enrichment in spinel-bearing calcium-aluminium-rich inclusions among L-type asteroids
Asteroids can be classified into several groups based on their spectral reflectance. Among these groups, the one belonging to the L-class in the taxonomic...
Table 3 gives a catalog of HII region positions, diameters and absolute emission line logarithmic fluxes for NGC 4736. Table 4 gives a catalog of continua...
NGC 6946: kinematics of the starburst in the circum-nuclear zone.
Using spectroscopic observations at relatively high resolution (Δλ ≡ 0.35 Å) in the region within 30 arcseconds of the nucleus of NGC 6946 the authors have...