“Coffee Break: Señal y Ruido” cumple 100 emisiones
Este programa de radio de actualidad científica, producido por el Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, celebra su episodio número 100 respaldado por el éxito...
“Eppur si muove”, la danza de la energía oscura y las estrellas simbióticas
Ambos conceptos astrofísicos serán los protagonistas de este espectáculo coreográfico que tendrá lugar los días 24 y 25 de noviembre, a las 20 horas, en el...
“GALACTICA”: the biggest panorama of the Milky Way is complete
200 nights of observation were needed, from both northern and southern hemispheres, to complete the biggest panorama of our Galaxy, the Milky Way. This IAC...
“Girls who broke a glass ceiling while stargazing”
In the framework of the project “The Return of Henrietta Leavitt. From school to a research career via the theatre” of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias...
“Las mujeres somos parte de CTA; gran parte de su ciencia se hace gracias a nosotras”
CTA es un proyecto internacional con más de 1400 miembros de más de 200 instituciones de 31 países. Es, por ello, una infraestructura de una gran diversidad que...
“Las nubes de Andrómeda”, Astronomy Picture of the Day
At the beginning of last year, the newly released Astrograph STC (Sky Treasure Chest) of the Unit of Communication and Scientific Culture of the Canary Islands...
“Las nubes de Andrómeda”, Astronomy Picture of the Day
At the beginning of last year, the newly released Astrograph STC (Sky Treasure Chest) of the Unit of Communication and Scientific Culture of the Canary Islands...
This innovative educational project, whose name gives a nod to the Canarian municipality of Tïas, is a pilot experiment for the 2nd year of primary education in...
“Ruta de las Estrellas 2017” competition – STARS4ALL for young European students
The winners of the contest, whose objective is to raise awareness about the need to protect the night sky and promote scientific vocations, will join an...