One Postdoctoral Contract COSMO 2022 (PS-2022-119)
The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on topics within the project work on the project linked to the line of research “ Cosmology and...
One Postdoctoral Contract COSMOGALCLUST 2022 (PS-2022-112)
The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on the project linked to the line of research “Cosmology with large scale structure probes...
The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on the project linked to the line of research “ Anisotropía de Fondo Cósmico de Microondas...
The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on topics within the project “Big Data of the Cosmic Web” (PID2020-120612GB-I00), led by Dr...
The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on topics within the project “Stellar Populations models with varying abundance element ratios to...
The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on topics within the project “Scientific exploitation of infrared spectrographs EMIR and MIRADAS...
One postdoctoral contract ESPLA 2021 (PS-2021-086)
The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on topics within the project “Detection and characterization of Earth-like planets in nearby...
One postdoctoral contract ESPLA 2021-2 (PS-2021-045)
The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on topics within the project “Detection and characterization of Earth-like planets in nearby...
One Postdoctoral Contract ESTALLIDOS 8 2024 (PS-2024-030)
The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on the project linked to the line of research “ Starbursts in Galaxies: Multifaced study of star...