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The IAC (Tenerife, Spain) invites applications for FOUR PhD fellowships in Astrophysics to work towards obtaining a PhD in the framework of one of this two projects:

  • At the FOrefront of Galactic Archaeology: evolution of the luminous and dark matter components of the Milky Way and Local Group dwarf galaxies in the Gaia ERA (PID2023-150319NB-C21) PIs Prof. Carme Gallart Gallart and Dra. Giusepina Battaglia

  • The LiteBIRD space mission: development of the thermal monitoring and control system and scientific preparation (PID2032-150398NB-I00) PI Dr. Ricardo Génova Santos

  • Scientific exploitation of NIRPS and DESI: high resolution spectroscopy to study exoplanets and the most primitive stars of the Milky Way (PID2023-149982NB-I00) PIs Dr. Jonay I. González Hernández and Dr. David Aguado

  • Enabling precision cosmology with the cosmic microwave background: QUIJOTE and other microwave experiments at the Teide Observatory (PID2023-151567NB-I00) PI Prof. José Alberto Rubiño Martín

The research topics pursued at the IAC include most areas of Astrophysics: Solar Physics, Planetary Systems, Stellar and Interstellar Physics, Galaxy Formation and Evolution, Milky Way and Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. These are supported by an ambitious instrumentation programme.  The IAC has been selected as a “Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence” in research by the Spanish Government. Further information about the IAC's research programme, its Observatories and the 10.4 m telescope GTC is available on the IAC's Web site (http://www.iac.es/). 

The successful candidates will work at the IAC's headquarters in La Laguna, (Tenerife) in a stimulating research environment. They will be expected to join one of the IAC's research groups and work towards obtaining a PhD.

Included in this call is an incorporation support that only the selected person will be able to enjoy and which comprises the following concepts: plane ticket (processed by the IAC) and two-week stay and per diem module (processed by the IAC), with a maximum total amount of 2.500 Euros.

Qualifications: To be considered, applicants must have a degree in Physics or Mathematics.

The degree must meet the admission requirements of the PhD Programme in Astrophysics at the University of La Laguna (ULL) PhD Programme in astrophysics, in which the student must register. The ULL requirements are met by applicants with an MSc, as well as by those students with an Undergraduate Degree who have already obtained at least 300 credits (ETCs) of which at least 60 credits should correspond to an MSc Degree (other ways to fulfill the ULL requirements are possible; see the ULL website for details).

The candidates must meet the admission requirements by the deadline of this call.

The score of the degree must be 7,0 (on a scale of 1 to 10) or higher and  7,5 or higher for bachelor degrees + Master Degree.

The undergraduate or MSc degree required to register in the ULL PhD Programme must have been obtained on or since January 31, 2021.

Duration: The IAC will offer four-year contracts renewable annually following the recommendation of the Head of the Graduate Studies Division, based on a positive evaluation of the student’s annual progress report and activity plan by the Graduate Students Division Board of the IAC.

Students who complete their PhD before the end of the contract, will be offered a further  Postdoctoral Training Period contract (POP) until the end of the fourth year,. These contracts will have a significant salary increase and are intended to offer the new doctors with a bridge between their studentships and the postdoctoral phase of their career. 

The successful PhD candidates will take up their position at IAC on a date to me determined by the Final Resolution of the 2023 call for «Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento y a actuaciones para la formación de personal investigador predoctoral asociadas a dichos proyectos, del Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica, Técnica y de Innovación 2021-2023” from the Spanish Science Ministry.


  • For the 1st year of the Predoctoral Contract, without postdoctoral orientation, 19.479,08Euros.

  • For the 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of the Predoctoral Contract, without postdoctoral orientation, 21,603.02 Euros.

  • Postdoctoral Orientation Contract 28.818,76 Euros/año.

Non-UE citizensIf you are citizen of a country not belonging to the European Union, you can apply for this position, but if selected, to be able to sign the contract you need to have obtained the compulsory documentation required to live and work in Spain (NIE card). First of all contact your nearest Spanish Consulate and find out what documentation you need to apply for a Visa. 

How to apply: To apply use our on-line application system https://iac.sede.gob.es/procedimientos/portada/ida/0/idp/424/language/en, including uploads and supporting documents and up to three Referee contact information.

Applicants must go to https://iac.sede.gob.es/procedimientos/portada/ida/0/idp/424/language/e…

1 •        Attach a pdf file with the following documents:

a)         Application Form (Annex IV) completed and signed, specifying which field the candidate is applying for (1 or 2).

b)         Photocopy of valid passport (if not a Spanish citizen).

c)          Photocopy of the University Degree

d)          Academic Certificate containing: 

•           Official Stamp. 

•           Date when studies were complete 

•           List of subjects studied during the whole Degree programme 

•           Marks and dates obtained 

The Academic Certificate may be replaced by a complete copy of the file, in which case the selected applicants must present the original official certificate together with the rest of the documentation, in accordance with the provisions of the seventh base.

IMPORTANT: The qualification obtained in each subject should be presented on a scale of 0-10. If the University uses a different scale then convert your qualification to this scale in each of the subjects studied and indicate the method applied.

In the case of certificates issued by non-Spanish institutions the candidates must specify the maximum and minimum qualifications within the corresponding grading system and the mark corresponding to the minimum pass mark.

In all those cases, when subjects re not graded in ECTS (European System for Credits), the conversion to ECTS must be done by the applicant.

If the certificate is issued in a language other than Spanish or English, it must be accompanied by its translation into one of these languages.

e)         «Currículum vitae», in which the applicant includes all the previous fellowships, the corresponding results, grants and recognized merits.

f)          Photocopy of certificate of B1 level in English language (or Spanish if English speaker), as detailed in the Common European Frame of Reference (CEFR).

g)         Documents and certificates proving the merits listed in Annex I and which the applicant wants to have taken into consideration. Any fellowship, contract, course, seminar, conference or merit listed must be supported by an appropriate document in order to be evaluated by the members of the selection committee. 

h)         Annex V signed by the applicant (stating that de degree obtained by the applicant gives access to the doctorate programme of the University of La Laguna)

i)          Annex VI Declaration that the applicant has not been contractually linked with the IAC in the past nor enrolled in an equivalent organisation under the type of contract listed in of this call for applications. 

j)          Those included in section 2.1.1.a), as well as foreigners residing in Spain included in section 2.1.1.b), will be exempt from providing documentation proving nationality, provided that they authorize the verification of the data in their application of personal identification in the Identity Data Verification System. The rest of the candidates must accompany their application with a document that proves the conditions that are alleged.

k)         Certificate of disability (if applicable). 

l)          Certificate of dependent child/children under 6 years; 2.3.2 b (if applicable).

m)        In the online application form, at https://iac.sede.gob.es/procedimientos/portada/ida/0/idp/424/language/es , candidates must state the names of three leading professors’ referees.

2 •        Detailed completion of the online application, including reference contacts.

Once this electronic application process has been completed, it is NOT necessary to submit it also by post or present it personally at the IAC General Register Office.

ALL required documents MUST be submitted by the application deadline. Applications submitted after the closing date, as well as those which do not includethe mandatory application form (Annex I), will not be taken into consideration.

Questions regarding the position should be addressed to the Secretariat of the Graduate Students Division (secens at iac.es).

The general conditions of the contracts can be found in the official announcement at https://www.iac.es/en/employment

Selection tribunal