


The IAC aims to attract front-line staff with the aim of continuously developing its own research and technological lines or new topics arising in the fields of observational, theoretical and instrumental astrophysics, as well as technological deverlopements and carrying out support tasks.

The IAC has been designated a ‘Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence’ a prestigious recognition awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Research, Innovation and Universities to the IAC as a leading research institute in Spain, representing a world leading institution and a clear example of the quality and relevance of the pioneering scientific research carried out in Spain for the period 2012-2019.

As well as this, IAC has been awarded with the "Human Resources Strategy for Researchers" Award (HRS4R) from the Europea Commission and we are now carrying out the Implementation Phase.

HRS4R Logo


Quality considerations in selecting and contracting personnel

Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)

Joining or visiting the IAC

General Information about Postdoctoral Fellowships

Employment opportunities for PhD graduates


The following list provides information about the currently OPEN positions. Use the filter below to access information about other positions in process or already completed.


Displaying 43 - 48 of 451
  • The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on the project linked to the line of research “ Small bodies of the Solar System: primitive objects”. The contract is funded by the project “ Hidrated minerals and organic compound in promitive - MinHiCAP” (PID2020-120464GB-I100) lead by Dr. Dr. Javier Licandro and Dr. Julia de León
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    Application deadline
  • The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on the project linked to the line of research “Machine and Deep Learning in Astrophysics: structural evolution of galaxies with EUCLID and JWST” The contract is funded by the project “ Building a physic Al under Standing of g Alaxy evo Lution with data-driven asTronomy (BASALT)”
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    Application deadline
  • The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on the project linked to the line of research “Evolution of galaxies: LAEs and LBGs in OTELO”. The contract is funded by the project “Evolución de Galaxias” ( PID2021-122544NB-C41 ), led by Prof. Jordi Cepa. Research topics at the IAC include most areas of astrophysics: Solar Physics
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    Application deadline
  • Se convoca proceso selectivo para la contratación de un/a Ingeniero/a , no acogido a Convenio, en la modalidad de contrato laboral de actividades científico-técnicas de duración indefinida y que tendrá, entre otras, las siguientes funciones: - Diseño y análisis de sistemas opto-mecánicos. - Atermalización de sistemas opto-mecánicos. - Análisis de
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    Application deadline
  • Se convoca proceso selectivo para cubrir una plaza de personal fijo acogido a Convenio por el sistema de acceso libre y que tendrá, entre otras, las siguientes funciones: - Realización de las gestiones precisas de los procesos administrativos, bajo la supervisión de su superior, conforme a las condiciones técnicas y/o económicas que sean de
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    Application deadline