For yet another year the channel will be broadcasting the maximum of the Perseids from the Canary Observatories, with the collaboration of the Energy Efficiency Laboratories (EELabs) project, coordinated by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) and the Innovation Service of the Cabildo Insular of La Palma. This will be during the night of 12th to 13th August, when the best estimates for the activity of the meteors is a rate of 100 per hour.
Within the framework of the outreach activities of the Energy Efficiency Laboratories (EELabs) project, which studies the impact of light pollution on the natural areas of Macaronesia and works to protect the darkness of its skies, the channel will broadcast live this meteor shower from the Canary Island Observatories, under its coordinator Miquel Serra-Ricart. "The Perseids give us an assured spectacle. Last year we had an activity of 78 meteors per hour, while in 2019 the number reached 99. The forecasts for this year are very good, above all bearing in mind that we will be able to see the fainter Perseids thanks to the low level of scattered moonlight", comments Serra-Ricart.
The appointment will be next Thursday 12 August at 23:15 UT (13 August 00:15 local time in the Canary Islands, 01:15 CEST, local time in Europe). Link to YouTube: