Large volume cryostat for integration and verification of cryogenic scientific instrumentation
This specific equipment will allow to carry out tests in cryogenics and high vacuum conditions of large electro-opto-mechanical systems. The first instrument...
The aim of this project is to provide a Laser Launch Telescope for the Laser Guide Star Facility of the Adaptive Optics system of the GTC telescope. This will...
LIFEM (Laboratorio Integrado de Fotónica, Opto Electrónica y Opto Mecánica) Opto-Mechanics Segment
The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), in response to its commitment to technology transfer to society, has created IACTec, the IAC's technological...
LIFEM (Laboratorio Integrado de Fotónica, Opto-Electrónica y opto-Mecánica) Opto-Electronics Segment
The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), in response to its commitment to technology transfer to society, has created IACTec, the IAC's technological...
LIFEM (Laboratorio Integrado de Fotónica, Opto-electrónica y Opto-mecánica) Segmento Opto-Electrónica Photonics
The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), in response to its commitment to technology transfer to society, has created IACTec, the IAC's technological...
Linking bIrth and death: an Empirical approach To lumInous blue Massive star Evolution
Recent investigations have dented confidence in state-of-the-art models of massive star evolution. As a result, our current understanding of how massive stars...