One Postdoctoral Contract ASTRI 2022 (PS-2022-080)
The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work in the framework of the “ASTRI Mini-Array” agreement, led by the current scientific responsible...
One Postdoctoral Contract Astroparticles-CTA 2023 (PS-2023-003)
The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on the project linked to the line of research “ Astroparticles: science and commissioning in the...
One Postdoctoral Contract BCYCLES 2024 (PS-2024-004)
The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on the project linked to the line of research “TRACES of galaxy formation: stellar population of...
One Postdoctoral Contract C60 Circumstellar Envelopes C60 2022 (PS-2022-038)
The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on topics within the project “ Fullerene rich circumstellar envelopes in the UV, IR and radio...
One postdoctoral contract CAMINA2-MinHiCAP 2021 (PS-2021-102)
The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on topics within the projects “ Mineralogical characterization of primitive asteroids and space...
One Postdoctoral Contract COSMO 2022 (PS-2022-119)
The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on topics within the project work on the project linked to the line of research “ Cosmology and...
One Postdoctoral Contract COSMOGALCLUST 2022 (PS-2022-112)
The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on the project linked to the line of research “Cosmology with large scale structure probes...
One Postdoctoral Contract ESTALLIDOS 8 2024 (PS-2024-030)
The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on the project linked to the line of research “ Starbursts in Galaxies: Multifaced study of star...
One Postdoctoral Contract Evolution of Galaxies 2023 (PS-2023-074)
The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on the project linked to the line of research “Evolution of galaxies: LAEs and LBGs in OTELO”...