Special 1998. X Winter School of Astrophysics "Globular Clusters".

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The IAC, with the collaboration of the European Commission (Framework Programme TMR, Training and Mobility of Researchers) and the company Iberia, has organized the X Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics, from 16 to 27 November, in the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the University of La Laguna (Tenerife). This International School of Astrophysics commemorates 10 years of encounter and interaction in the Canary Islands between young astrophysicists and prestigious professors from all over the world to jointly study current astronomical topics. In this edition, the courses are given by eight professors who are experts in different fields of the astrophysics of globular clusters, objects related to the age of the Universe, the formation of galaxies and stellar evolution. Sixty-six students from 26 countries are currently preparing their doctoral thesis, or have recently completed it, on these types of astronomical objects. The courses are completed with visits to the Instituto de Astrofísica, in La Laguna, and to the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory, in La Palma, and the Teide Observatory, in Tenerife. As in previous years, the scientific publisher Cambridge University Press will publish a book with the content of this School.