Sergio Rodríguez con la nueva equipación inspirada en el cielo de Canarias en el Observatorio del Teide. Créditos: D. López / IAC
- Los jugadores del Lenovo Tenerife con las nuevas equipaciones inspiradas en el cielo de Canarias
- Distribution of the mean densities of the planets around M stars
- Water world
- Strange landscape of a water world
- Binary milisecond pulsar
- Participants of the AEACI 2022 Course
- Sandra Benitez (ESA) at the AEACI 2022
- Rafael Rebolo, director of the IAC, during the presentation of AEACI 2022
- Perseidas OT
- C/2017 K2 PANSTARRS (Enol Matilla)
- Participants of the AEACI 2022 course during a night observation at the OT
- Participants of the AEACI 2022 course
- Participants of the AEACI 2022 course
- Participants of the AEACI 2022 course outside the IACTEC during a workshop
- Participants of the AEACI 2022 course during a workshop
- IACTEC room with participants in the AEACI 2022 course
- Participants of the AEACI 2022 course at the Teide Observatory at sunset
- Participants of the AEACI 2022 at the Grantecan
- Participants of the AEACI 2022 at the ORM