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FULLY BOOKED Thank you very much for your interest in the Open Days 2024. All available places have been fully booked with the applications received. Those who have successfully registered will receive an email confirming their attendance or non-attendance as soon as possible. We regret that we are unable to attend all applications, but we encourage you to stay tuned for our next calls and events - we look forward to your participation in future activities! We would like to remind you that other visits are organised throughout the year and can be requested via our Visits page . CoincidingAdvertised on
The discovery of 2024 NP2 took place during the night of July 4th in images taken during the commissioning of the TST, a new telescope recently installed at the Teide Observatory. On July 4th the first regular observations were made in the commissioning of the Transient Survey Telescope (TST), an astronomical installation produced by a public-private collaboration between the IAC and the Canary company Light Bridges , at the Teide Observatory (Tenerife). The TST is a robotic telescope with a wide field. With a 1 metre telescope and a camera using an sCMOS detector at its prime focus, it canAdvertised on
El Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) se une a la celebración del Día de Canarias, que cada 30 de mayo conmemora la autonomía de esta Comunidad El IAC se enorgullece de formar parte y de contribuir al legado cultural y científico del Archipiélago al ser el mayor centro de investigación de Canarias, con sus tres sedes, sus 450 trabajadores y gestionar dos de los observatorios astrofísicos más importantes del mundo: el Observatorio del Teide, en Tenerife; y el Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos, en La Palma. Hay que recordar que la primera cátedra de Astrofísica de España se creóAdvertised on