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El embajador de Japón en España, Takahiro Nakamae , visitó esta semana la sede central del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) y el Observatorio del Teide, junto con Shinji Yamada, cónsul de Japón en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, junto a personal de su equipo. En la sede central fueron recibidos por Valentín Martínez Pillet, director del IAC; y por el responsable de Instrumentación, Marcos Reyes; y por la jefa de la Unidad de Comunicación y Cultura Científica (UC3), Verónica Martín. En la sede central del IAC conocieron las instalaciones y las principales líneas de investigación delAdvertised on
Omega Centauri is a large globular cluster, containing almost ten million stars, in the direction of the constellation of Centaurus, which has been studied to understand its stellar kinematics, the motions of its stars under the action of the gravitational forces which act on them. A research team at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) has just published a study which shows that a group of black holes dominates the movements of its stellar kinematics. This result can be extended to certain other structures in the universe and goes against some previous claims about the role of lowAdvertised on
An international piece of research, led by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) has found clues to the nature of some of the brightest and hottest stars in our Universe, called blue supergiants. Although these stars are commonly observed, their origin has been an old puzzle that has been debated for several decades. By simulating novel stellar models and analysing a large data sample in the Large Magellanic Cloud, IAC researchers have found strong evidence that most blue supergiants may have formed from the merger of two stars bound in a binary system. The study is published in theAdvertised on