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Tras cuatro años de actividades, el proyecto Interreg EELabs llega a su fin y, como broche final, la noche del 14 de diciembre, a partir de las 22:30 UT (hora local en Canarias), retransmitirá la lluvia de meteoros de las Gemínidas a través del canal desde el Observatorio del Teide (Tenerife) y El Anillo (Extremadura). Las llamadas “estrellas fugaces” son en realidad pequeñas partículas de polvo de distintos tamaños (entre fracciones de milímetros hasta centímetros de diámetro) que van dejando los cometas -o asteroides- a lo largo de sus órbitas alrededor del Sol. La nube deAdvertised on
The European Southern Observatory (ESO) has signed an agreement with an international consortium of institutions, including the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA) and the Centro de Astrobiología de Madrid (CSIC-INTA), for the design and construction of ANDES, the ArmazoNes high Dispersion Echelle Spectrograph. The instrument will be installed on ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope (ELT). It will be used to search for signs of life in exoplanets and look for the very first stars, as well as to test variations of the fundamental constants ofAdvertised on
An international team, led by a researcher from the University of Liège (Belgium) affiliated to the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), has discovered an extraordinarily light planet orbiting a distant star in our galaxy. This discovery, reported today in the journal Nature Astronomy, is a promising key to solving the mystery of how such giant, super-light planets form. The new planet, named WASP-193b, appears to dwarf Jupiter in size, yet it is a fraction of its density. The scientists found that the gas giant is 50 percent bigger than Jupiter, and about a tenth as dense — anAdvertised on